Thursday, July 17, 2008

NIMBY - Cali Style

Nancy Pelosi wants to prevent offshore oil drilling whatever the cost. Notice that oil has dropped almost 10% just on the suggestion of expanding US production of oil and natural gas?

She is deathly afraid of leaks that might spoil the coastline. All based upon a rupture and spill in 1969. I'm not really up on it, but what is the safety record of offshore drilling in the Gulf of Mexico? If I'm not mistaken we suffer from several severe hurricanes a year hitting our oil fields and I don't believe we have had any major spills as a result.

I worked for several years as a designer for offshore oil platforms. Rules were very strict and every rig was carefully designed to be "zero discharge". Any drop of rainwater that fell on that rig would be captured and treated as if it was contaminated with crude oil before it was discharged into the ocean.

Nancy Pelosi is carrying around some baggage from 1969 that is holding the whole country back. Give it up Nancy.

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