The second is by Frank Rich, and contextually talks of the same event, the speech Obama made in Berlin, but casts it in a much different light. Its title, How Obama became acting President, instead of chastising those who hope and believe that change is critical in federal goverment, talks instead of how this candidate has already helped change the Ne0-Con foreign policy just by running for Commander-in-chief. Its Makes note of how Bush and McCain, who have attacked Obama as a treasonous terrorist loving coward, have both had to adjust their policies on the very subjects (Namely that of Iran and Iraq) they claim to have so much hard fought wisdom about. It also goes on to site numerous examples of McCain gaffes that quite frankly I don't want to see our Commander-in-Chief make. For instance it could be a real problem if McCain cant figure out the diffrence between sunni and shia or where Iraq and Iran are in relation to pakistan.
But I digress, check these columns out and try and figure out what you really want out of your next leader.